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LiDAR: Past, Present & the (microLiDARs) of the Future

LiDAR technology hit the market almost 40 years ago, but it’s only during the past few years where LiDAR has really started to break into the mainstream. The world of LiDAR technology has grown and with all of it’s technological advances, the opportunities are endless!

Why should you choose LiDAR?

We’re talking more LiDAR today – but with a twist… We are including radar, ultrasonic and camera technologies to the mix! Modern remote…

LiDAR: Making Strides in the Laser Revolution

Who would have thought that Physics and its different elements would become the backbone of LiDAR technology? We’re talking pulses. In the LiDAR world, a pulse is a single short burst of light however looking at things from a broader spectrum, a pulse could be pretty much any other type of wave, i.e. sound and electric.

The Science behind LiDAR technology

Physics – the “secret sauce” behind LiDAR. The Physics of LiDARs has not changed since the days of Albert Einstein – the fundamental rules of Quantum Mechanics, speed of light and several other primary aspects remain the same. The rules of Physics cannot be bent when it comes to LiDAR, we try… but we still cannot really bend them!

Choosing the RIGHT LiDAR

Is LiDAR the future? Whether it’s fitted to a drone or embedded in one of the latest gadgets, the face of technology is constantly changing thanks to LiDAR. LiDAR had one major concern – cost but this too has changed!

LiDAR Basics

Today, the world of LiDAR has grown and keeps evolving. Even the new iPAD and iPhone, sport a version of LiDAR today. This technology enhances 3D perception and is useful in Virtual Reality (VR) and measurement applications. We have only exposed the tip of the iceberg.

A Lens on LiDAR Optics

Optics, a small word, yet a powerful game changer in the world of LiDAR.

There are several elements in any machine or device that makes it work. People generally have this misconception that the laser, detector or signal processing unit is the most important component of a LiDAR…

Where technology meets biology

Eye safety (and general biological safety) is of paramount importance when designing any laser-based system.

But, as with many other aspects of design, ensuring eye safety isn’t a simple or linear process. To the contrary, there are a number of factors to be considered, many of them appearing to be contradictory. And that’s why it’s best to consider this response before designing a LiDAR sensor, and then work back from there, determining the parameters which may have the greatest effect.

LiDAR rules the machine perception space!

Many machines need to be aware of the objects and spaces around them. This might be to detect when something arrives or leaves, to measure how high something is or to see how far away an obstacle is. It is the position of things relative to the machine that affects the decisions that the machine must make. Human centric visual characteristics are not important to a machine. It is the pure logical concepts of presence, absence and position that determine what actions must be taken. This is where lidar excels as it clearly identifies objects and can measure the spaces between them.

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